Thursday, September 1, 2011

Last Day in Alamogordo

This is Tim's and my last day in Alamogordo. We have been here just over a month and have enjoyed our time with Jenny and Nathan. I have learned so much about New Mexico since I have been here and that was just covering the south central area of New Mexico. There is still a lot to see but I will have to save it for another trip. On our return trip to Florida we will be going through norther New Mexico and will be able to see and do more. It is a fascinating state with more history than I realized and I am glad I had the opportunity spend so much time here.
Today, we will be working on getting the RV ready for the trip and running some errands, including taking Jenny & Nate's dogs to the vet. We are going out to dinner tonight at Pepper's Grill and then we have to say our final good byes to Jenny and Nathan. That will be a little tough for me.
We head to Tucson early tomorrow morning.

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