Monday, October 10, 2011

Back in Menifee, CA

After spending the week end in Carlsbad, CA I am back in Menifee and ready to become a tourist for the week.  We will be spending a few days sightseeing in the LA area, going to Hollywood and Beverly Hills and up to Big Bear.  We will also be visiting the wine country in southern California, Temecula.  So we have some busy days ahead of us.
My drive back up to Menifee was pretty much uneventful but we did pass a town with a great name where the population is exactly the same as the elevation.  It is Rainbow, CA  Elevation 1045  Population 1045.  I wonder if the town tries to keep it that way?
Today I have posted a slideshow of Diamond Valley Lake.  I took the pictures on Thursday when we finally made it to the View Point.  It was a beautiful walk up the trail that led to the top and once you got on top you could see all around the area.  Amazing views and just experiencing it from the top was another highlight of the trip.  The camera got some great shots but still cannot show how amazing it looked up there.  The longer we stayed the higher the sun got and the bluer the water got.  I will have to try to visit it again later in the day to see how blue the water gets. Today we are planning on visiting two other lakes in the area, Canyon Lake and Lake Eisinore.

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