Thursday, October 27, 2011

West Coast to East Coast Trip

We are heading East for our journey home.  Destination, Jacksonville, FL however we will be stopping along the way so it will be a while before we get there.  First stop, Las Vegas, NV.  I am anxious to see Las Vegas again.  I have not been there in over 30 years but I am guessing not much has changed...RIGHT!  I have head about all the new casinos and attractions and I am ready to check them out.  We will be in Las Vegas for four days and will be staying at the Thousand Trails Las Vegas RV resort.  I am not a gambler so I will enjoy taking in all the sights in the casinos while Tim drops a quarter or two.  He has the luck...I don't! 
Today we will be traveling across mountains and deserts so I am hoping I will get some good pictures along the way.  Check back tomorrow and find out.  The roadsong of the day is one I have not heard before but it is appropriate, "Let's Go To Vegas" but in my head all I can hear is "Viva Las Vegas"!  We're off to Vegas baby!

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