Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Day To Rest In Alamogordo, NM

Yesterday was a nice easy day.  Tim watched College football with Nathan while Jenny and I spent some time talking, looking through craft magazines and websites. Oh, and shopping. Before I share the rest of the day I did want to give you some statistics on our trip.  We have driven 3993 miles and been in 9 states so far.  2764 miles westbound and 1229 eastbound.  We still have 1700 miles to drive to go to get back home.  I still have not figured the mileage up from all of the side road trips along the way but I will have that some time this week.  When our journey is complete we will have traveled over 6000 miles...I think!
Jenny and I  went shopping for craft supplies to make some of the items we found.  Alamogordo does not have a craft store; they have Walmart and Dollar Tree.  We managed to find most of the items we needed to make some of the craft items.  We all went over to Jenny and Nate's for dinner and crafting.  We made some very cool items but I cannot share any with you because some of you will be receiving one or two.
While Jenny and I were working Tim and Nathan were watching "Ghost Adventures" from Netlflix and came across one show that covered the Bird Cage Theater in Tombstone, AZ.  Since we were just there and saw both the theater and the town we watched it.  Some of the things they came across were creepy and the Bird Cage Theater is officially haunted. 
Today Tim, Jenny, Nate and I are going to visit Lincoln, NM and Ruidoso, NM.  Lincoln is the town where Billy the Kid got his name and reputation.  Tim and I visited it last August when we were here but Jenny and Nate have not seen it.  I am sure I can find some new items to write about so check back tomorrow and see what I came up with!

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