Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Three Hour Tour

It was not a Gilligan's Island event but it could be; I think our GPS is possessed.  Since it had it's "fatal error" in Louisanna it has not been the same.  It did indeed extend our trip by about an hour yesterday.  We knew the directions to Wauchula, there were three ways to go, and we chose the most direct.  We should of written down the directions and next time we will.  We first questioned the GPS when it directed us to I-4 west so we ignored it.  Then it directed us to  Highway 17 too early and we ignored it again.  When we were about 45 minutes south it directed us to turn so this time we "obeyed" it and it led us astray and we ended up on Highway 17 going north to to south.  It was very frustrating but it did not end there.  We we were approaching Wauchula the GPS all of a sudden says. "You have reached your destination" the problem is there was not a Thousand Trails campground there.  We got on the computer and got directions from the website and about 8 miles down the road we found our campground.  So, what do you do with a GPS that leads you astray?  I think I will push the default button and set it to its original factory settings and then start looking for a new GPS...any suggestions?
We are staying at Peace River Thousand Trails RV Resort.  It is located on the Peace River and is a nice campground with over 400 sites.  It has the TT usuals, Welcome center, activity center, pool, general store,etc.  I am happy to report there is a shuffleboard court and a paddle ball (pickle ball) court that seems to be the place to be.  Although shuffleboard was in use the paddle ball court had matches going on from 9:00 in the morning until after dark.  I left the activity center at 7:00 last night and people were still playing.  It gets pretty competitive but it is nice to see the amount of activity it is generating.  I have included a slideshow of the campground. 
This is the furthest southwest that Tim and I have been in Florida (on the west coast) and we are looking forward to checking out the area.  I do have a few "strange" places to visit  so keep checking back and see what kind of trouble we can find or at least our GPS can find!

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