Monday, August 29, 2011

Cloudcroft Fun Part 1 "The Hike"

Yesterday Tim, Jenny, Nathan and I went for a day of fun in Cloudcroft. We started with a hike along a trail down to see a waterfall. The trail we took was about half way to Cloudcroft located right before the tunnel on Highway 84. I guess I am spoiled about hiking trails. In Florida there are actual trails. In New Mexico there is a trail...sometimes. The rough trail had some scarey points to it. For the most part it was at least 12 to 15 inches wide but there were some other parts that we were lucky to have 6 inches. The terrain kept changing from loose rock to rock. From sand to slippery surfaces. I realized that as we were going down that eventually we would have to go back up. The scenery was worth it along the climp down and back up. We did make it to the waterfall and it was worth the journey. While we were down looking up at the waterfall we noticed a guy 20 ft above us. He was going to jump into the pool by the waterfall. He did and he was okay. I was a little surprised he was doing this all by himself without anyone with him. Eventhough he was fine I was glad we were there just in case. He liked it so much that he did it again. It looked like fun and if I was younger I probably would of tried it. The real reason I didn't was I didn't want to climbe that 20 ft. After a while we started back up to the top. It was not as bad of a climb as I thought. It was a fun trail and I am glad we took it as it is not one that a lot of people know about. The main trail you are suppose to take is wider and a lot more populated. We were pretty much by ourselves which made the experience even better.
After our hike we headed to an outside shooting range then into Cloudcroft. I will continue our adventures in tomorrow's post with more pictures too! Check back tomorrow!

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