Sunday, August 28, 2011

Las Cruces Part Two

We headed to Las Cruces around 11:00 am yesterday and made a whole day of it. Las Cruces is an hour drive from Alamogordo right throught the middle of White Sands Missle Range. Our first stop was to find Pat Garrett's gravesite. Sheriff Pat Garrett is famous for killing Billy the Kid. He has a family plot at the Masonic Cemertery in Las Cruces. It was easier to find than I thought it was. The slideshow has some pictures. He has a plain tombstone with just his name on it and the year he was born and the year he died. All of his family's tombstones were the same. He had nine children and seven of them along with his wife are buried in the family plot.
After visiting the grave we went to have lunch at Dublin's Pub. A neat Irish pub with good food. The interior of the pub was typical of an Irish pub with lots of wood and green. After lunch we started shopping. We went to the Mall in Las Cruces and then visited a few of the big box stores.
While we were driving around Las Cruces we noticed that some of their water tanks have murals painted on them. The artist, Tony Pennock, painted murals on the water tanks depicting New Mexico history. Check out the pictures in the slideshow.
We headed home around 6:00 pm tired but happy because we had another great day together. This is the last week end we get to spend with Jenny and Nate. We are leaving Alamogordo and New Mexico Friday and heading west again. Today we are going to Cloudcroft.

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