Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Day in Oceanside

Yesterday I had the pleasure to attend the Rubba Sista Annual Fall Festival.  It is held by eight Stampin Up demonstrators and rubber stampers that attend the Fall Festival have the opportunity to make papercraft cards and projects.  My sister, Pam, was one of the hostesses and I was  a very proud sister watching my sister organize and work the event.  She is very good at what she does and the best thing is she enjoys doing it.  There were over 60 people in attendance and this year was special because it was in memorial of one of the Rubba Sista's, Judee Pepper, who passed away very suddenly last March.  Judee's husband and some of her children were also in attendance and they were overwhelmed by the love and support they saw that we all had for Judee.  It was a very successful event with some great cards and projects and it gave me the final chance to hang around with some of my BFF's one last time before I leave.  It was a great day...Thanks Pam!  I will post some pictures of the event tomorrow.
I have posted a screenshow of Camp Pendleton Marine Corp base because everytime I drive through the base I just cannot get over its diverse landscapes.  You drive into the Main Gain and it looks like any other base except once you are in you see a  stable for horses and across the street a huge Paintball facility with every type of "playing field" you can imagine.  There are two big shopping centers on base along with several restaurants and several chain restaurants and stores.  It has its own football field and track.  It has two major Baseball areas along with several small ones.  It have a beautiful white Church and big housing developments.  Mixed among all of this is military incampements, equipment and more along with lots of land.  The final pictures are of Lake O'Neil where we are staying.  It is a beautiful manmade lake with several recreational activites and the campground surrounding it.  In the distance the big white building is the Naval Hospital.  The final picture is our campsite for the rest of our visit in California.
Today we are celebrating my husband Tim's birthday.  My sister is hosting the party at her house and my Mom, brother and sister in law, Craig and Karyn, and some friends are coming to help celebrate it.  His birthday is tomorrow.  This is our last week end in California.  We have had such a good time here and am looking forward to another visit soon!

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