Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rubba Sista Fall Festival

Today is the day for the Annual Rubba Sista Fall Festival.  The Rubba Sista's are Stampin Up Demonstrators from the San Diego area that get together and plan events.  They are very supportive of eachother and  attend or help eachother out when ever needed.  I am fortunate to finally be able to attend a Fall Festival and am looking forward to it.  This one is extra special because it is in memorial to one of the Rubba Sista's that suddenly passed away last Spirng.  Judee Pepper was the type of person we should all try to be more like; friendly, kind, gererous and love for family and friends.  I have helped my sister Pam prepare for this event the last couple of weeks and am very excited to be here for it.  I will be in Oceanside today, right on the beach but seven stories high.  I posted a picutre of the view I will be forced to look  at during today.  This is going to a good day!  I hope it is for all of you too!

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