Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

It seem strange not being at a retail store prepping for Black Friday.  It has been 20+ years since I have had a Thanksgiving not revolving around retail.  It is nice and I am happy to report I do not miss it at all.  I have spent the last two days grocery shopping for Thanksgiving dinner and it was fun, even fighting the crowds, getting everything to make the best Thanksgiving dinner yet!  We are so happy to be spending this Thanksgiving with Jenny and Nathan and eventhough we will miss not spending it with Carrie and my Mom it will still be the best Thanksgiving yet.  We are breaking all sorts of traditions this Thanksgiving and that is okay too because we are beginning new ones.  We will still be doing some traditional things like Cinnamon rolls on Thanksgiving morning and watching the Macy's Day Parade but that will be about it!  I am making my pies a day early, another first in 20+ years and that is okay too!  Keeping Tim away from them for a day will be a big task!
We leave Friday morning and begin our final 1700 miles east for home.  Our scheduled arrival is December 1st and I just hope the holiday traffic won't be too bad.  Once we are in Florida we are going to spend a couple of days in either Destin or Panama City.  The excuse is to adjust to the humidity or just to have fun!
So, Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

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