Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and thank you for following our travels.  I have enjoyed sharing our journey with you and I appreciate you for following along.  I am thankful that I had the opportunity to travel and see family and friends along the way.  I am also thankful for all the things we got to see and do.  We have a wonderful Country and there is so much to see that we have barely begun to see it and I am thankful that I get the opportunity to continue to travel.  When you get the opportunity to look at mountains, see oceans, experience life in other towns and cities across the southern states you become thankful for what a great country we live in and all we have.  
Tomorrow we continue our journey home and we will do something we have not done yet.  We are going to boondock overnight.  Since we are crossing a part of Texas that does not have much to offer for camping over night we are going to drive as long as we can then pullover at a friendly parking area (like Walmart or rest stop) and get some sleep. Our destination is Houston and we should be there by Saturday afternoon.  Today I am going to enjoy our time together with Jenny and Nate and make this the best Thanksgiving yet!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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