Friday, November 25, 2011

East Bound and Down

Road song of the day, yes and the direction we are going.  We are in the home stretch and a week from today we should be home...for a little while!  After the holidays we begin a whole new journey but that is later first we have to finish this journey.  Today we are heading east and will quit driving when Tim gets tired.
For the next several miles, after we leave El Paso, there is not to many areas to stop at.  We will be doing the same drive we did on our way west but during the day.  Tonight, once we decide to stop we will be boondocking where you pull over at a safe spot like a Walmart parking lot or a rest area and just go into the camper and get some rest.  I have food that can heat up quickly on the gas stove and Tim has filled our water tank so we will have water to use for drinking and other  the toilet.  If it gets cold we have a generator so we can have some heat.  This is something I have never done and I am hoping it won't become a habit.
Our first destination by Saturday is Houston, TX where we will be staying for a couple of days.  Then we should be heading to either Destin, FL or Panama City, FL  for a couple of days and by Dec. 1 st we should reach Jacksonville, FL. where we will stay for three weeks.   So, with the theme of Smokey and the Bandit in our heads we are East bound and down!

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