Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving with Jenny and Nathan

I know this is a day late but I wanted to share what a great Thanksgiving we had with Jenny and Nathan.  We were at their house early for Cinnamon rolls and to watch the parade.  It is a Thanksgiving tradition to make cinnamon rolls for the morning.  We ate our rolls and watched the parade.  Jenny and I decided it was time to get the turkey going when she realized she did not have a turkey pan (this was a discussion we had earlier in the week) so we went out and picked up a pan then got the turkey going.  We tried something new this year with the turkey.  Instead of stuffing the turkey with dressing we quartered oranges and put them inside the turkey.  It is suppose to keep the meat moist and it did.  It was good and it did not have the orange taste.  Try it next time!  As dinner was cooking Tim and Nathan watched some shows on Netflix while Jenny and I looked at old pictures and transferred pictures back and forth.  Jenny got me interested in a website called Pinterest.  It is a site with a ton of craft ideas, decorations, recipes, vacation spots, etc.  It is addicting so it you check it out give yourself time.  As the turkey was nearly done we got the rest of the food ready.  Our dinner consisted of Turkey, Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Grilled Aspargus, Macaroni and Cheese, Baked Potato Casserole, Gravy,  Rolls and a relish tray.  It was delicious!  We had to wait awhile for dessert so we watched Ghost Adventures on Netflix.  Dessert was Pumpkin pie, Apple pie, Cherry Cheesecake and Pilgrim cookies.  We were happy, content and full!  It was a great day and I feel very blessed to have been able to spend it with Jenny and Nathan.  It was difficult saying good bye to them since I am not sure when we will see them again.  They are getting transferred to Hawaii in February so unless we install some kind of floatation device on the RV we are going to have to save our pennies for a trip to Hawaii. We had a great week together!
Boondocking was interesting and the road noise was not bad.  The rest area we stopped at had a camper area away from the high way.  We stopped around 7:00, I made dinner and by 8:00 Tim was in bed.  The rest area had free wifi so I played on the computer until the battery died.  Going totally battery is weird and all of a sudden you get really greeding with the power.  Now we can say we have done it.  Tonight, we will be in a Thousand Trails RV resort.

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