Sunday, November 13, 2011

Verde Valley RV Resort

I think I have already said that Tim and I have really enjoyed our stay here in the Verde Valley.   It is a great location with so many things to do.  We are an hour and a half from Phoenix, an hour from Flagstaff, two hours from the Grand Canyon and fifteen minutes from Sedona.  The town of Cottonwood has everything you would need to live and the people here are so friendly.  No matter what store or restaurant you go into you're greeted, have some chit chat and almost every one wishes you a good day.  We are thinking of spending a month or two here next fall. 
We are staying at the Verde Valley Thousand Trails RV Resort and this is one of the nicest Thousand Trails resorts we have stayed in.  The campsites are big enough for the long RVs and still have some space for outdoor seating.  The Activity Center, my second home due to internet, is big and spacious and there are activities going on every morning, afternoon and evening.  They do have a cafe that is open on the week ends.  There is a big pool and at the pool another big Activity Center.  There are four sections for RVs and the way the resort is layed out with the mountains they are all on different levels until you hit the valley one.  The resort is on 300 acres of land and very well maintained.
Tim is still waiting to give birth to his kidney stone.  The meds he is on are keeping him comfortable and we are hoping something happens today.  If not, tomorrow will be a very interesting day for me!  Our two weeks are up tomorrow and we changed our next destination.   Originally we were going to go to Albequerque,NM  for fours days but it is going to cold  with a  possiblilty of snow so we decided to head down to Sierra Vista,AZ, about 35 miles south of Tucson, and check out that area for a few days.  We are planning on visiting Tombstone and Bisbee.  The area had a lot of mining towns  so we will have to check out some mines while we are there.  Today it is raining and I am hoping it stops later on so I can go into Sedona and maybe check out Oak Creek Canyon one more time! 

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