Monday, December 26, 2011

It's A Travel Day

That's right, we are hitting the road again.  It's not a long trip but it is an annual trip.  Every year since 2001 we have been going to Stephen Foster State Park.  It is located in White Springs, FL and it is a great place for winter camping in northern Florida.  We always go with three or four other families and always for New Years.  It started as a New Years week end but now it has been extended to the week between Christmas and New Years.  This year we will be camping with the Carters, Franciscos and Frendahls.  We always have a good time together and just enjoy eachother's company.  I am especially  looking forward to being there the whole time this year.  In all of the previous years I had to communte from Jacksonville to White Springs due to working retail.  Now I get to see what really  happens when I wasn't around!  Of course, I will try to let you know what is going on and what we do as long as the rest of the group won't mind. 
I hope everyone had a wonderul Christmas.  I sure did.  It was a nice relaxful day with Carrie and Philip.  We opened presents and I got some great gifts and I think everything I wanted.  Tim and I were home by 5:00 (Carrie had others to visit too) and so we had a relaxful evening enjoying watching the Bears/Packers game.  Okay, I did not enjoy it since the Bears lost but it was a good game. 
I have posted a slideshow of St. Augustine during the day.  All the pictures were taken on and around St. George Street in the historic area of St. Augustine.  Most of the buildings are from the late 1600s to early 1700s and were built while the Spanish occupied the area.  When the British moved in there were some changes to some of the homes but the Spanish basically changed it when they took over again.  Check back and see what kind of fun we can have at Stephen Foster and yes he is the person who composed, 'Way Down Upon A Swannee River' but more about that tomorrow!

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