Friday, December 2, 2011

We Are Home!

We are home back in Jacksonville, FL where we started our first coast to coast journey.  It was a success and we enjoyed it so much.  Seeing the country from the road does take time but it is so worth it.  The sights that you see and the little unplanned trips make it fun and worthwhile.  We live in a beautiful country with so much to see and do that it is going to take years before we can get it all in but we are up to the task!
Our East Coast to West Coast/ West Coast to East Coast journey took 136 days to complete and we covered 12,300 miles.  We traveled and visited 9 states and 87 restaurants.  I have not tried to figure out how many historical or fun places we visited nor will I try.  All in all, we had a great first journey with many more to follow. 
So, for the next few weeks I will be traveling around the Jacksonville area and share with you all of my findings of Christmas and enjoy my first Christmas from working retail in 23 years. I plan on enjoying the holiday and go and see as many local events around the area.  Since I love Christmas lights and decorations I also plan on visiting the different displays and drive through neighborhoods checking out the lights.  I have  started "Christmas song of the day" where I will feature a different song every day.  I love Christmas music so why not have some fun sharing some of my favorites.  Today's song, "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" is one of the first songs I really remember as a child and knew all the lyrics to.  I remember I use to go around our house singing it holding a stuff Santa Claus I had.  For my family, we were still living in the house on Seeley in Chicago.  Each day, with the Christmas song post I will share why I chose it! 
Last night, I went to Choir at my Church and want to thank everyone there for the warm welcome that I received.  I appreciate you following me in my travels and for making me feel even more happy to be home!
And Thank You  for following my first attempt on a travel blog.  I enjoyed sharing my travels and will continue to do so!  I hope you will continue to check back and see what I am visiting next!  My motto for this blog, "It is not the destination, it is the journey!"  New post with lights tomorrow!

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