Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  2011 is now complete and we all start out new in 2012.  Do you have a New Year's resolution?  I do!  In 2011 some friends and I decided to choose one word to follow for the year.  In 2011
 I chose "CHANGE" and it happened.  I was moved to a new store and out of state, my daughter Jenny was married, my son in law Philip came home from Kuwait, I retired after 20 years, and we traveled!  I would say I had "CHANGE".  This year my word is "LESS".  Less money,less spending, less of me, less commitments, and less stress.  The only thing that won't happen is less travel.
Yesterday we went to look at RVs.  We figured we would check out some and see if it was time to upgrade or even move into a Class A.  We found one we really liked but after wheeling and dealing we could not come to agreement with the dealership over trade in prices.  It is funny, when we got there the salesman was saying they really needed to sell  a few more units before the end of the year and were ready to deal.  They were but they were not willing to give fair trade in value.  We decided our 5th wheel is fine and so we are going to just enjoy what we have! 
Last night we did our tradition New Year's Eve, enjoying the company of friends around a campfire.  It was simple, safe and spent with good friends.  A great way to say good bye to 2011 and welcome 2012.  So, Happy New Year everyone.  May this be the best year yet for all!

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