Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hardee County

Hardee County was established in 1921 and was named for Cary A Hardee, the 23 Governor of Florida who's term ran from January 1921 to January 1925.  Hardee county is 683 square miles and the county seat in located in Wauchula.  The population of the county is 28,286 with a median income of $30,000 and a median age of 33.  Cary A Hardee, the county's name sake was born in Taylor county but he spent most of his life in Live Oak.  He was a lawyer, state attorney, member of the Florida House of Representatives and Speaker of the Florida House before being elected Governor.  As Governor he halted the practive of leasing state prisoners out to private business and electrocution became a legal method of execution in Florida.
In 2004, Hurricane Charlie came through the county and had sustained winds in downtown Wauchula that were clocked at 149 mph with higher gusts of wind.  Most of the buildings in the county sustained damage and many were totally destroyed.
Yesterday we did not do much of anything.  I worked on some crafts (will be gifts soon) and spent some time at the activity center.  I love hanging out there and observing the other RVers.  Pool is a very popular game and both tables always have a game going on...sometimes very loudly.  It amazes me how some people do not care who hears their phone conversations.  One lady battled with Direct TV on the phone for about 45 minutes and then shared the entire story with whoever was in the activity center who wanted to listen even though we all heard her conversation live!  Others will Skype with their families so you hear the grandchildren tell their stories and you hear Grandparents ohh and ah and make funny noises to their grandchildren.  You don't want to listen but you have no choice.  Even wearing my headphones and listening to music doesn't help...they just speak louder for me!  I guess these are the things you have to accept when using the only free internet area.  The rain moved in while I was at the activity center so I had to ride my bike home in the rain. 
Today we are headed up to Jacksonville to drop off some furniture.  This is just for my benefit because with the new furniture and the old furniture and how crowded it was I just couldn't go another month so we are dropping off our old  furniture at Carrie's and then having lunch with Bob and Robin.  We then will head back down south for another month.  Today is also my oldest brother's birthday.  My brother Ford is turning 60 today!  Happy Birthday Ford!  I wish I could be with you to help celebrate your day! 

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