Saturday, January 28, 2012

The River District - Downtown Fort Myers

Yesterday was a rain out for the beach.  So we spent a quiet morning in the RV.  After lunch we ran some errands, we had to return a rug we bought that we thought would match the RV, it did not.  While we were looking for the store we took the wrong bridge and ended up in downtown Ft. Myers.  It was a good thing we did.  We ended up in the River District in the downtown area.  It is located by the Calooschatchee River and runs a few blocks south.  The area was renovated in 1984 and was a 15 year project.  It is a great area with beautiful buildings and lots of restaurants and little shops.  It is a busy place on the week ends. 
Today we are headed to Fort Myers Beach for real this time.  I have mentioned this two other times but I know third time is a charm.  Today it is sunny and suppose to be in the mid to upper 70's.  Check back tomorrow and see if we made it!

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