Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday Fun

I rode my new bike yesterday and I like it but as I was coming to a hill I realized why, when I was young, I always wanted a bike that could change gears.  One speed bikes do not do hills very well.  I did not give up and at one point it may have looked like I was not moving but I was.  I made it up the first hill pretty well.  It was the second hill, about 30 ft after the first hill that got me.  I made it and then I started looking for flat ground. However, going down the hill was great and even though I was speeding in the RV resort (speed limit is 5 mph) I did not care.  Now I know why our bikes are called beach don't have hills on a beach.  Anyway, it was fun and as I kept riding I got better.  I also found another way to the activitiy center that only had one hill instead of two.
I am proud to announce that our truck has been fixed and now looks almost like it did before the accident last fall.  I have included pictures from the accident and a picture of the truck.  We watched both football games last night and I was thrilled with the 49er's win but sad that the Broncos got beat so badly.  Today's games I have no preference on the Ravens/Texans game however since my Bears are not in the playoffs I have to turn my loyalities over to Green Bay...Go Pack!  (small cringe...Bear's Fan!)

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