Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Day After Ash Wednesday

Lent has begun and it is time to give something up for Lent.  What am I giving up?  Diet Coke and this will be a big sacrifice for me.  Any one who knows me also knows how much I love Diet Coke.  I don't drink coffee but I do like tea so at least I can still get a little caffiene.  Yesterday I helped move the Music Department storage to it's new location and there was so much help that it took a little over an hour.  When we were through I had time to get a haircut and went to Great Clips. Last night I went to the Ash Wednesday service then I got a call from Jenny telling me her experiences in Hawaii so far.  She and Nate begin house hunting today!  I hope they remember to get one with a guest room for parents!
Today I am headed to Carrie's house to help her get through all the storage boxes she has and to help her get rid of stuff she does not need or want anymore.  Then I am having lunch with two wonderful friends, Jean and Sharon.  I am really looking forward to our lunch together to get caught up with eachother and to
just enjoy their company.  Then I have choir tonight.  Another busy day but this is the way I like it!

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