Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Sunday

Well NFL Football is over for another season and it went out as a nail biter. Way to go Giants and Tom Coughlin!    With the Patriots ahead and a little over two minutes to play the Giants had the ball and it seemed like a sure thing that the Giants would score until the touchdown was scored and Patriots got the ball.  It was a good ending to a pretty good game.    Now let's talk about the really important things - the commercials!  I thought they were pretty good and I would say dogs really dominated the commercials.  My favorites were the E Trade commercial, M & M commercial and the Doritos commercials.  I was disappointed in the Budweiser ones.  The car commercials were pretty good especially the Volkswagen one.  We did not do much of anything yesterday.  Tim worked on the RV and then we went for a bike ride around the resort but that was about it.  I made my traditional Chili to eat while we watched the game.  There was a Superbowl party at the activity center but we decided to skip it and watch the game in the RV.
Today there are no plans, as of yet.  It is suppose to start raining this afternoon so whatever we do we will have to do it in the morning.  We will be going to Disney World on Wednesday but have not decided on which park to go to.  Time will tell!

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