Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

It is hard to believe that 10 years ago today America was attacked and thousands of innocent people were killed, injured or lost loved ones. It changed every American's life and the way we now live, united as one. Where were you on 9/11? Almost everyone that was alive can tell you where they were. I was at work when one of my employees walked in and said that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. We got a TV,plugged it in and watched in horror what we were seeing. Since the last 10 years the Country has grown more patriotic and supportive of our Military, Police and Fire Fighters. We are proud to be Americans!
On a lighter note, the paste two days I spent at Pam's house. She was hosting a stamping event on Friday night and Saturday. She is a Stampin Up demonstrater and hosts monthly events. I have been fortunate enough to receive the card packs from her events but this past week end I got to attend it. She does a great job and works very hard on her events. She spends weeks preparing for each event and then hours on set up, cooking and making sure each of her guests will have a wonderful experience. In her own way, she makes each and every one at her event feel special. It was also good to see some friends that I only get to see once a year. Thanks Pam for all you do and for all of your paasion of this craft.
Today, we are headed to Dana Point in Orange County California to see some Tall Ships and watch a battle in the harbor. My brother, Craig, has invited us to attend with him and I am looking forward to it.
September 11th will forever be a sad day in every American's heart. As Americans the best way to honor those we lost is to continue to live.

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