Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Sunset Walk on Carlsbad Beach

What a day! It started off good getting to my mom's and getting some more accomplished. We WILL finish today! My sister picked me up from my mom's and we went food shopping for an event she is having at her house this week end. Tim came over to my sister's house later on with Shadow and when my brother in law, Brian, came home from work we all went down to Carlsbad beach and did a sunset beach walk. The dogs, Pam has two, loved it. There were a lot of dogs doing the same thing. I made taking pictures my mission during the walk. The Pacific ocean seemed calm and almost reminded me of the Atlantic. The surfers were not real happy but skin boarders were having fun. It was a hot day for Carlsbad. It reached 90 degrees which is a heat wave for coastal southern California.
Carlsbad, CA is a coastal resort city in North San Diego county. It is one of the wealthiest communities in California and the U.S. Its population is 105,328 with a median income of $79,400. The median age is 39. Carlsbad history started with the Luiseno people who located their village, Palamai, near what is today the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. In the 1880's a former sailor named John Frazier dug a well in the area. He began offering his water at a near by train station and soon the whistle stop became known at Frazier's Station. A test done on the well discovered the water to be chemically similar to the one found in some of the most renowned spas in the world. To take advantage of the water the Carlsbad Land and Mineral water company was founded by a German born merchant. Naming of the town came shortly after. This area, due to the water, experienced a period of growth with homes and businesses sprouting up in the 1880's and even though San Diego had a lull after the initail growth Carlsbad stayed steady and strong. Today it is a beautiful resort town with small town flavor but full of big town dining, shopping and entertainment. The sunset is an added "plus"!
After the walk we went back to my sister's house and had dinner. We were enjoying the beautiful night on her patio when all of a sudden we heard a huge crash. We ran out front and saw a Toyota's front end under the rear of our truck. Thankfully the driver was okay. He was under the influence of something and talking on his cell phone. He did not see the parked truck. The truck has damage but we can still drive it. The other driver was not so lucky being taken away in handcuffs and a car that is totalled. At least everyone is okay. One of the officer's told Tim, "you drove across the country, parked your truck in an upscale gated community just to have someone drive into your back end? Welcome to California!". Today will be a better day!

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