Friday, September 9, 2011

Where were you when the power went out?

Where were you when the power went out in Southern California? I was in the middle of traffic. Who knew when I arrived in the San Diego area that I would be participating in an event that will become historic? I mean I have already been accused of bringing the rain and the heat here these last couple of days but a power outage that effected 5 million people?
My sister Pam and I had just left my Mom's place when all of sudden we came to our first traffic signal and it was flashing. We didn't think anything about it until we continued driving and EVERY traffic light was out. We tried to use our cell phones but they would not work. We then turned on the radio in the car, no stations. What the heck was going on? Brian, my brother in law, eventually got through to us by phone and said no one had power then Tim called me and said that power was out all over Southern California. Pam and I set in traffic and crawled to her house. The normal 20 minute drive took us two hours. The roads were parking lots and every once in a while we would come across a car that ran out of gas. No power no gas so they were stuck. It was stange not to be able to communuicate with anyone. Eventually I was able to text and Tim and I kept in contact that way. He was at the campground. Once we were at my sister's things got better because with the power out the neighbors came out and Pam started inviting them over. We had a miniature block party on my sister's patio. We listened to an AM station on the radio for updates. As it got darker outside the candles and flashlights came out and the party continued. I met most of my sister's neighbors and they are all very nice and friendly.
I took a little walk around 9:00 pm last night. It was almost a full moon so you did not need a flashlight. It was amazing how quiet it was. All you could hear were people chatting and kids laughing and happy because school was cancelled for the next day. My brother who lives in Laguna Niquel called and said he was without power but was fine and wanted to make sure we were okay. We finally got a hold of my mom. Her retirement center had all of the residents together until about 9:00 pm when they were taken back to their apartments, given flashlights, and felt secure. She did not take her cell phone with her we could not communicate with her until she returned to her apartment. The party was just starting to break up and as the last neighbor left and we were cleaning up the patio area the power came on. We were one of the first communities to have the power restored. We began watching the TV coverage on the power outage and found out it was caused by one employee in Yuma, AZ. Can you imagine how that guy must feel. He killed power for California, Arizona and Mexico that affected over 5 million people. One local atation, whose studio is in the middle of downtown San Diego, was in the dark but continued to broadcast with minimal everything. The backdrop which is usually downtown San Diego was black, the studio lights were actually one light on two newscasters with one camera - Old fashioned TV!
Today, most of the power has been restored in the San Diego area but they are asking people not to run their air conditioners. It is suppose to be cooler today so it should not be a problem. I am staying with my sister this week end for an event she is having at her house tonight and tomorrow. Things are atarting to get back to normal in the San Diego area and I can now say I was a participant in an historic event in Southern California. The question of the day here in southern California...where were you when the lights went out?

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