Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Counting The Days!

I am now counting the days until we get home and the number is three.  I cannot believe that our first journey is almost over.  It has been a wonderful journey so far and for the next three days  will be full of driving.  We did check out Columbus and it is a nice small town.  The downtown area looks like a typical small town downtown area with the exception that it is still a busy area.  The Walmart is about 2 miles from downtown but everything else is still in downtown.  The courthouse is in the middle of the town square and the stores all line the streets. I felt like I was waliking around Mayberry. Everyone knew everyone else and the citizens of Columbus are friendly.  The wind finally stopped blowing and in the sun it was a very pleasant day.
I already miss not seeing the mountains everyday.  After 4 months of seeing mountains it seems weird not to see them.  Now. let's talk humidity.  That is something that I have not had to deal with until now.  The only good thing is that it is cooler so it is not as bad.  I have to admit, I did not miss humidity.  Here are some statistics of somethings from our trip so far.  We have traveled 11,230 miles so far with about 1,000 more to go.  We have eaten out around 80 - 85 times  and we have visited  Walmarts in 7 states.  Shadow, our dog,  has turned into a traveling dog and when we leave to go anywhere he is the first out the door and the first to the truck.  He also acts very hurt when we leave him at home and he refuses to eat or drink while we are gone.  Yup, he has us wrapped around his paw!
Today we are driving to Sprinfield, LA.  It is a town right outside Baton Rouge, LA.  Then on to Panama City. FL on Wednesday and Jacksonville, FL on Thursday.   Three days to go until we get home!

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