Monday, December 5, 2011

A Busy Day

I can tell I am home because I can keep myself busy without having to think of things to do.  Yesterday I attended Church in the morning then as soon as I got home from Church Tim, Carrie and I drove up to our storage unit (we will be moving it Orange Park next month) to get some of the items we had to take out of the RV to make room for our travels and get the Christmas decorations out.  Every time I go to the storage unit I realize I have to get rid of more stuff, especially clothes.  So, sometime with in the next two weeks we will be going through the storage unit and getting rid of more stuff again!
When we got home from the storage unit, and I went back to Church for TLC rehearsal.  TLC is Teens Loving Christ Choir at Church and this is my 15th year of involvement with the choir.  They are a great bunch of kids who are fun to be with not to mention help keep me young.
Today is my Birthday and I am having lunch with two wonderful friends, Jean and Sharon.  Tonight Carrie and Philip are coming over to help celebrate my Birthday.  I will also be out checking out more neighborhoods for Christmas lights!

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