Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Walmart Parking Lot

Now I have had some strange Saturday nights and sitting in the Walmart parking lot in Lake City, FL was a strange one. Tim and I drove to Lake City ( 70 miles west of Jacksonville)  to deliver the other scooter we sold through Ebay.  The person who bought it was from Georgia and to help him out we agreed to meet him closer to the Georgia border so he would not have to drive all the way to Jacksonville.  The problem was he underestimated how far away he was and so we got there early...really early.  I spent the first hour in Walmart picking up so last minute gifts and trying to waste some time.  I can usually waste a lot of time in Walmart but when it is full of Christmas shoppers I got tired of dodgeing groups of people and carts.  Tim waited in the truck because we had the scooter and we brought Shadow but the number one reason was because he hates crowds.  I will say, so far, any Walmart I have shopped in recently I have not had to wait in line to check out.  I got back to the truck and we still had not heard from the guy so we called him and he said he was just outside Valdosta, GA (about 60 miles from Lake City) and should only be another hour.   While we sat in the parking lot waiting for him we did observe a few things.  First of all, you can see 'shows of affection' without leaving your vehicle.  We got to see an almost X rated show in a car parked right in front of us.  I would say it was purposely done for our entertainment because we were parked in a empty part of the lot and this car just happens to park right in front of the truck and then got to it all the while the girl kept looking to see if we were watching.  We, of course, were not because it was not that interesting.  Two minutes later they were either done or realized we were not watching and left.  We then saw something really cool, I could not get my camera out fast enough to get a picture, a pick up truck had Christmas lights decorating the whole truck.  I don't know how distracting it would be to drive the truck but it looked good and you just knew the owner of the truck likes Christmas.  Tim looked at me and said "no" knowing I was thinking about doing it to ours.  People watching, especially from back of the Walmart parking lot, can be amusing and we were amused a lot last night.  It did help pass the time.  The guy finally showed up, we did the transferring of the scooter from one truck to the other, got the money and left to go eat something.  We decided to eat at Cracker Barrel for two reasons; I had a gift card and it was close to the highway.  We then headed for home!  Now that I think about it I had a very entertaining night.  I got to travel, see a show, shop, eat out and get paid for it!  Maybe it was not a bad Saturday night after all!

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