Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Day At Thousand Trails Orlando

The Thousdand Trails Orlando is located in Clermont, FL in central Florida and the area is considered "The Heart of Florida".  Thousand Trails Orlando is a 255 acre campground preserve with a 60 acre spring fed lake, Lake Hancock.  I know I talked about feeling at home here and usually when we have stayed here it was not "Snowbird Season" and we had the place to ourselves.  That is not the case this time.  The place is packed but it is good to see it this way.  There are ton of things to do during this time of year right here at the campground and seeing how the facilities are meant to be used makes it even more appealing.  Yesterday everything was open so Tim and I checked out the TT store and they do carry of good inventory of camper supplies and gifts.  They have a great selection of Hershey's Ice Cream so we had to give it a try.  I had my seasonal favorite, Peppermint Stick and Tim had Moosetracks.  It was good.  We ate our ice cream at the Shuffleboard courts where we enjoyed watching the matches.  There was a new match just getting started so we watched it and was  introduced to the equipment, the rules and the scoring.  It is a lot like Curling, which I love.   As we watched, a fight almost broke out on another court when a shouting match began about the scoring of a disc.  It was actually quite entertaining and who knew Shuffleboard was a contact sport.  The spouses finally broke it up and play began again.  It is a popular thing to play in TT Orlando as almost every court was being used. We may even give it a try on Sunday...if we can get a reservation!   There was an RV show going on so we checked it out and decided we still love ours.  There is free internet in the Activity center and when I went to use it I could barely find a place to sit down due to how many were using it.  Like I said at the beginning, it was good to see this place busy and active. 
Today we are going to Hollywood Studios for the day.  This is the last day of the Christmas decorations and Hollywood Studios features the Osborne Christmas Lights which are amazing.  I will put a slideshow up on Sunday sharing the lights.  The weather is suppose to be sunny and warm (around 77 degrees) so it should be a great day!  Hope yours will be too!

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