Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy President's Day

Happy President's Day!  Who is your favorite President?  I had a good Sunday; went to Church then went to a Welcome Baby baby shower for a friends daughter and her baby.  He is only two weeks old and already an adorable baby.  The shower was fun and it gave me a chance to hang around with some of my favorite people for a little while.  The food was delicious and the gifts were great.  Now I thought after working at Toys 'R' Us and Babies'R' Us that I had seen all the new products for babies but some of the gifts given yesterday I had never seen before. I sometimes wonder how I managed to raise my kids safely with out the items that are out there now for babies.  Then again, how did my parents raise me safely?
In honor of President's Day I found some interesting facts about one of our presidents and his children and grandchilden.   Did you know that there are two grandsons of the 10th president of the U.S. still alive?  President John Tyler who was the 10th president of the U.S., and the first to take over the presidentcy from being the Vice President, was president from 1841 to 1845.  He was born in 1790 annd died in 1862.  So how can a grandchild still be alive 160 years later? President Tyler had married twice and had several children.  When he was 63 years old he had his son Lyon Tyler who was born in 1853 and died in 1935.  Lyon Tyler was also married twice and followed in his father's footsteps in having several children.  He had his son Harrison Tyler when he was 75 years old.  Harrison Tyler along with his brother Lyon Jr are the grandsons of Johy Tyler.  Harrison Tyler is 85 years old and still plays Tennis.
Today I am having lunch with a great friend, Debbie, then I have to go grocery shopping  and  tonight I am going to see a movie with friends.  So it will be a busy day but a fun one.  Happy President's Day!

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