Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Another Doctor Day!

Tim went in for his results on his yearly heart check up and they came out contradicting themselves.  One said his heart was extremely healthy (ultrasound) the other said there had not been any change since his heart attack two years ago (stress test).  The Doctor believes the ultrasound over the stress test.  Another test has been ordered for next we so a final conclusion can be found.  I am going with the ultrasound by the way he acts and the activities he does.
After his appointment we went to lunch together then over to the hospital to our friend, Lisa, who was getting ready to go home.  She is almost back to her old self.   The medical world is amazing.  My other friend, Robin, who had shoulder surgery last week is doing really well and is up and getting around. You got to love modern medicine!
Today I am having lunch with my very good friends, Jean and Sharon.  We are going to our usual lunch spot, Panera Bread Co, and I know we will have a good time; we always do.  We also manage to find answers to a lot of the world problems but no one ever wants to listen to them.
I did some writing to some old friends that I am hopeful to see during our travels.  I love seeing all the places and attractions we visit along the way but being able to see friends and family along the way really makes our travels special.  Wish a happy Wednesday to all!

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