Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cleaning Day

Monday was cleaning day!  While I worked on the inside of the RV Tim was busy working on the outside of the RV and the Truck.  The weather was perfect for cleaning, we could have the windows open, there was very little humidity and the winds were calm.  That won't be the case today.  The humidity is on the rise and it is suppose to be very windy today.  After I finished cleaning I went grocery shopping so the rest of the week can be available for fun!
I have posted two pictures today I took while we were out walking.  The first is of the palm trees that are through out the RV resort and the second is the new palm tree.  When you see the first and second picture you can see why the new tree is so popular!  LOL!  I had to take the pictures because it looked so funny to be around all these palm trees that you would put out such an odd looking one...of course the new ones do light up at night...just plug them in!
Today will be a quiet day.  We are just going to hang around our clean RV and relax.  I will be working on some crafts and my March club cards.  Have a good Tuesday!

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