Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring or Summer?

I think it is Spring but the weather sure feels like summer here.  It was 91 degrees yesterday and today is going to be warmer.  Since January, the weather has not been normal so I guess this will be the year of accepting what comes along, weather wise.  Only a few more days left before we begin our year long journey.  It is both exciting and a bit scary to think I will be gone from "home base" for a year.  I will really miss my friends and family while I am gone but I know we will keep in touch through phone calls, text and Facebook. I have started a list of traveling songs but if you know of any please let me know.  I will need quite a few this time around. 
I had lunch with my very good friend, Debbie, yesterday and we lost all track of time.  She was almost late to work and she is not a person who ever runs late.  Tonight I am having dinner with some old friends from Toys R Us from years ago.  I have know both Connie and Joy for over 15 years.  It should be fun.  Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

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