Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Things We See - Day Two

On yesterday's walk we saw something that we never thought we would see.  As we were walking along the sidewalk that runs along the St. John's River on base we came to a grassy area and all of a sudden we see a brass ensemble standing there with their instruments posing for the camera.  They were in their dress blues and so I had to get  a picture of the ensemble taking a picture of the ensemble.  I don't know why they were taking pictures but I bet I will find out when the base paper is published.  As we walked away from them we heard the trumpets warming up and we thought, 'cool...walking music!' but that is all they did when we made the turn and were headed back they were gone and we never did hear any music.  I guess it was truly a photo op! Also on our walk I noticed something written on the sidewalk.  It has been there a while and I don't think it pertains to Tim but it is written in cement so why question it.  It simply says, "Tim is a dork".  He isn't but we thought it would be fun to add a picture of it anyway.  Yesterday's walk was smoke free and it was a perfect temperature for walking.  Today will be full of smoke so we may postpone our walk until this afternoon when the smoke is suppose to clear.  I had lunch with a friend from my old job and it was good to get caught up outside of me visiting the store to see him. 
Today Carrie is coming over so Tim can work on her car and I am not sure what Carrie and I will do but we will think of something!  Tonight I am going to a visitation of another friend from work that has just lost his wife.  The funeral is tomorrow.  Check back tomorrow and find out what we came across on our walk.  We can walk the same route and see something different every day!

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