Friday, April 6, 2012

What A Day!

Tim is doing well after spending most of the day in the hospital doing a Heart Catherization.  We got there early and he was taken in a little earlier and it looked like he was going into the OR earlier then expected then all of a sudden we hear the code for a life being lost in ER and Tim got bumped to take care of the patient in ER.  That delayed his procedure for about an hour.  Results from his procedure is his heart is weak and more tests will be administered to see what the next step will be.  We are canceling our April travel plans and staying in the Jacksonville area a little longer.  I want to thank you all for the prayers and thank my family and friends for being there for Tim and I during the procedure.
Two good thing about this whole ordeal is I am glad we were home and not on the road and the gentleman that Tim was bumped for survived and is doing well.  He was in the recovery bed next to Tim and was complaining about everything; I think he is going to be just fine!  Now we have to see if we can extend our stay at the base.  Our plans from May on are still ago at this time!  Today we will just relax and take it easy and get ready to enjoy the Easter weekend!

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