Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of my friends and family.  I hope you all have a great one.  This will be my first Mother's Day where I will not be able to celebrate it with either one of my children or my Mom.  I will be celebrating it with my best friends Robin and Bob and Tim.  Robin's son came to surprise her yesterday for Mother's Day so he will be joining us too!  It will still be a nice day and I am just happy knowing my children and mother are all in good health and happy. That makes it a happy Mother's day to me.
Yesterday we tried to go fishing but the weather had decided that we were not.  It did drizzled a little in the morning and it was windy.  We decided to try going out in the Gulf and we did.  The bay had white caps but we did not let that stop us and that is also the first time we got wet.  The spray of the waves hitting the boat was just enough to "rain" on us.  We got into the pass and it was rough and managed to get through it somewhat dry.  Then we got into the Gulf where the waves were suppose to 2 to 3 feet.  That was not the case because the waves were more like 5 ft.  The Boat was rocking and rolling in the swells and when the wave sets hit (three in a row) they were each 5 ft that looked like a wall of water coming right at the boat.  We decided that fishing in the Gulf was not meant to be and we headed back in which was a struggle in itself.  We eventually make it through the messy Gulf into the pass and into the bay where we were thinking we would troll but that changed quickly when the white caps got bigger.  Instead, we took a boat ride into the upper Grand Lagoon, where the water was a lot calmer, and looked at all the homes along the lagoon.  Bob took us to the end of the lagoon and then we turned around.  There are a lot of beautiful homes along the lagoon and even though we were all soaked we enjoyed the ride.  We got back to the campsite, ate lunch and then it looked like the winds had calmed down so we tried it again.  We loaded into the boat and got just to the channel in the bay and quit.  We got cleaned up and went miniature golfing instead!   Happy Mother's Day!

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